Wednesday, May 7, 2008

CATALINA OAKS Annual meeting - Jan 2008

CATALINA OAKS Annual meeting
Rockridge Community Center (page 1 of 2)

Board Present: President - Elaine Florence Geyer, Treasurer – Jean Kay, Architecture Review – Dick Byram and Advisor - Gaylord Hansen

Summary of the meeting held at the Rockford meeting hall January 12, 2008.
Annual meeting of Catalina Oaks Home Owners’ Association called to order Saturday January 12, 2008 at 10:30 by the President, Elaine Geyer.

1. Attendees: 30 residents present (attendees and proxies). Proxies submitted by Gaylord.

2. Old Business - Minutes of last meeting sent to all residents in the mail. Discussed at the meeting and No exceptions. Approved by the attendees.

3. Accounting summary provided by Jean Cay
· Expenses - $13,881.00 versus income $19,090.00.
· In the bank - $82,000.00 in a Certificate of Deposit and $6,156.00 in the bank account as of 01/12/2008

4. Gaylord presented statutes of Federal Housing Authority changes that affect our community. New form relative to “DEED restrictions” for residents Re: Sales of Home needs to be signed by buyers. Anyone selling a home needs to provide the buyer with this new form available from Gaylord at the beginning of the escrow process. If not the buyer may be able to cancel contract at no cost or penalty to him/her.

5. The proposed budget for 2008 was mailed out to the residents. There were No acceptations at the meeting. The budget was approved.

6. Question: What was the cost of painting the wall, inside and out? Answer - $4,000.00 both sides.

7. Question: Gerry Duhaime asked about sidewalk repair. Do we need to fix it or is it county issue. Gerry to inquire of county about repairs to sidewalk and handle this matter. No action for HOA.

CATALINA OAKS Annual meeting
Held at Rockridge Community Center ( page 2 of 2)

New Business and discussions

1. 2008 Board Members - The existing board indicated they would stand and will continue their roles. Robert Scully was elected to the board at the meeting.

2. Board Members 2008 - Dick Byram, Bob Scully, Elaine Florence Geyer, Gaylord Hansen, Jean Kay and Shirley Spitzer.

3. Road repair: It was suggested at one of the prior meeting that we have the road repaved at 10th Place and 5th Court. An estimate was provided. The cost was $48,000.00 so the board stated we would put that action on hold.

4. Storm Water System: The drains were cleaned out late 2007. It was recommended that in the future the drains are dry before we have them cleaned out.

5. Maintenance:
(A) Pond area needs more attention
(B) Spruce up entrance to Catalina Oaks. Elaine will coordinate with residents who wish to participate.

6. April meeting – Residents with issues or concerns should submit said items in writing prior to next meeting so they can be put on the Agenda.

7. Pets –
(A) There have been Large Dogs seen in the community. Letters have been sent regarding the deed restrictions for pets.
(B) Reminder – You must clean up after your pet. There seems to be “Lack of Compliance” especially at the mailbox.
(C) Pet Committee – It was suggested that a Pet Committee be formed. This group would be responsible to register resident pets so we know who owns what animals. Elaine will ask legal if this c-an be done.

8. Meeting was adjourned at 11:00.

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