Tuesday, December 23, 2008

We moved to a new site

Due to tecnical dificulties which I still do not understand we have moved to a new blogspot


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A visit with Indian River County

We met with Hayes. We walked the line. He is thinking on our encroachment issues and will let us know.........

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Lights In Catalina Oaks

Catalina Oaks Lights of Christmas 1

2008 Holiday Cheer from the Board

Its been a fast year, it seems. We have had our challenges but we endeavor to persevere.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

The 2008 Catalina Oaks Homeowners Association Board Members

Elaine, Jean, Dick, Bob and John

Breach 12/10/08 Corrective Action Responce

Catalina Oaks Homeowners Association
470 10th Place, Vero Beach, FL 32960

December 10, 2008

St. Johns River Water Management District
Mr. N. Ottoson, Engineer II
Department of Water Resources
525 Community College Parkway S.E.
Palm Bay, FL 32909

1.Your letter dated 11/10/08 addresses to Elaine Geyer, President Catalina Oaks Subdivision, Permit # 42-061-40167-1 item No. 920320
2. Email from R. Scully, 12/01/08 Catalina Oaks Homeowners Association response

Dear Mr. Ottoson,

In general your letter noted the following:

Item 1 – A breach in the retention berm, which needs to be corrected in 30 days (12/10/08) from receipt of the letter.

Item 2 - This relates to storm water runoff, infiltration and an annual inspection of the 100 linear-feet of drain field (Reference Permit 42-061-40167-1).

Item 3 - This covers rear lot swales It states that the Homeowners Association is responsible to ensure these retention areas remain clear of debris, excess fill or structures that could potentially block the flow of storm water runoff and reduce the retention volume.
Our follow up response to your letter is as follows.

Item 1 - The attached photo is the picture of the mound of dirt, which has filled the breach. By next week 12/17/08 we should have the sod over the dirt.

Item 2 - This was closed out by the attachment to our first email.

Item 3 - We understand it is our responsibility to spread the word in the subdivision and we do. Note - The owner of the structure shown in your picture has removed numerous railroad ties. I noticed them on his front yard last week. I have not spoken with David Hayes so I am not aware of what agreements were made between the parties, but action is being taken. I left a message on David’s answering machine but we have not connected as of yet.

Please feel free to call me at 772-933-1173 if you have further questions or comments.


Robert Scully
Catalina Oaks Board Member


St. Johns River Water Management District
John Juilianna (jjuilianna@sjrwmd.com)
Janice Unger (junger@sjrwmd.com)

Indian River County-Engineering Department
1801 27th Street, Vero Beach, FL 32960
David Hays

Catalina Oaks Homeowners Association
Elaine Florence Geyer
Dick Byram

Attachments - Photos of filled in “Breach” at the outfall structure dated 12/10/08 rgs

The Breach

From:Nathan Ottoson
[Add to Address Book]

Subject:RE: Catalina Oaks - Item 920320
Date:Wednesday, December 03, 2008 10:18:50 AM
[View Source]

Mr. Scully,

In response to your questions:

1. The type of soil/fill is not really that important for the repair of the breach. If you were replacing soils in the bottom of the retention pond, I’d recommend clean sands (with good drainage characteristics); however, the breach is not really required to have clean sandy soils. Any soils—other than clays or muck—is fine. Once you have placed down the soil, it is recommended that you sod the areas as soon as possible.

2. David Hays can be reached at Ph. 772-226-1596

3. I will FW your emails to the appropriate District staff.

Thanks for the update and please follow-up again once the breach has been repaired.


From: scullybob@comcast.net [mailto:scullybob@comcast.net]
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 9:51 AM
To: Nathan Ottoson
Cc: Elaine Florence; Dick Byram
Subject: Catalina Oaks - Item 920320


We have taken action on your letter. See attached.

Will need your help....

1. Please let us know about the type of fill - dirt or cement .

2. Can you give me a contact phone number and email for Mr. Hays so I may keep him in the loop as well.

3. Do you keep you internal folks up to speed or should I send them via email this document and any furthur correspondence?


Bob Scully